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How do you want to price photos and videos?

When initially creating pricing there are two styles to choose from. Same pricing for choosing any Photos or Videos. Separate pricing for choosing Photos or Videos. If you are providing 1 media type,…

Updated by keith

When initially creating pricing there are two styles to choose from.

  • Same pricing for choosing any Photos or Videos
  • Separate pricing for choosing Photos or Videos

If you are providing 1 media type, or you want to price your photos & videos as the same type of media, then the first option is best. All pricing schemes under this selection will treat photos and videos as equal items. Eg. All (items) photos & videos for $50

If you wish to price your Videos and Photos differently from each other, the second option is better. This allows you to have different pricing schemes for each media type. Eg. $5 for 1 Photo, $15 for 1 Video.

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Online Store Pricing Overview
