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Kiosk Automatic Discounts

This is a legacy feature as of Oct 18th. Please update your tablet to at least version 1.20.05. Then, please use Automatic Pricing Discounts instead. Coupons can be automatically applied to a purchas…

Updated by keith

This is a legacy feature as of Oct 18th. Please update your tablet to at least version 1.20.05. Then, please use Automatic Pricing Discounts instead.

Coupons can be automatically applied to a purchase to give a customer a discount. Be sure to Create a Coupon first. You can choose when to apply a coupon via two different conditions:

  1. The cart/checkout price is above a certain value.
  2. A certain number of albums have been added to the cart.

Coupons Example

Let's say you have the following coupon:

$20 off when 5 photos and 1 video are added. 

In the Kiosk app you set it up the Automated Coupon so that:

Only applied if the cart/checkout price is above $40.

Example Scenarios

  1. Let's say the guest adds 6 photos and 2 videos, and their total is $70. Here, the coupon will be applied, subtracting $20 from the total. The guest will see a discounted total of $50.
  2. Let's say the guest adds 15 photos, and their total is $60. In this scenario, the coupon will not be applied. This is because the coupon itself requires 1 video to be added. So the guest's total will still be $60.
  3. Let's say the guest adds 5 photos and 1 video, and their total is $35. The coupon will not be applied because the Automated Coupon only applies if the total is $40 or above.

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