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How are photos sorted when displayed to the customer?

Photos and Videos are sorted by their filenames. For the majority of cases this means photos are displayed in the order captured by the camera. For example 0001.JPG will appear before 0002.JPG. If yo…

Updated by keith

Photos and Videos are sorted by their filenames. For the majority of cases this means photos are displayed in the order captured by the camera.

For example 0001.JPG will appear before 0002.JPG.

If you are manually editing you filenames you may see that 12.JPG is sorted before 2.JPG. This is because it is alphabetically sorted. We recommend that if you do rename files you make sure they include the padded/prefix zeros.

If you are using an iPhone to upload, photos may appear out of order. This is because iOS will rename photo file names to random strings instead of retaining the file name on upload.

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