Enable Square on the Tablet

  1. First Connect Square via the Workspace.
  2. Next open your Kiosk App, and navigate to the Settings.
  3. Select "Payment" on the left-hand side.
  4. Enable "In App Payment" in the Payment Modes section.
  5. Scroll down to "Square Reader"
  6. The settings will preload your connected Square Merchants.
  7. Select the desired merchant account.
  8. Next the settings will preload your connected Square Locations for the desired Merchant.
  9. Select which location you want. Verify its address and name.
    1. Square does log the GPS location of transactions. We recommend ensuring the tablet is located in the same/close location as your store in Square.
  10. Tap "Authorize & Activate Location". Square will begin the Authorization process.
  11. Square will then launch a Permission overview screen. For each permission, grant them "Always" or "While using the App". Be sure to click through each permission it asks for. Once complete, you will see a list of connected devices, as well as close option for your screen.
  12. You should now see green text that says "Authorized" below the location details.
  13. Go ahead and make a test purchase. Be sure to refund yourself via Square's dashboard. Either delete the purchase on the History page, or request a refund from us via Chat.

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