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Delete, Cancel or Credit an Email

Sometimes an order/purchase or Gift Card can be mistakenly sent. Or an email is put in wrong but still gets "Delivered" instead of bouncing. If you need to delete or cancel one of these mistakes you…

Updated by keith

Sometimes an order/purchase or Gift Card can be mistakenly sent. Or an email is put in wrong but still gets "Delivered" instead of bouncing.

If you need to delete or cancel one of these mistakes you can! Your account will also be automatically credited for any mistakes! Here's how:

  1. Go to the History Page.
  2. Find the Email that was sent mistakenly.
  3. Click on the 3 dots on the right-hand-side
  4. Click "Delete"
  5. In the dialog that appears, select the reason for the deletion
  6. Click "Delete"

After the email has been deleted, your account will be credited appropriately. The customer will also lose access to their purchase permanently.

Any "Links to Buy" or "Store Links" cannot be deleted. This is because you have not been charged for sending them.

Cannot be Credited

There are a few scenarios where credits will not be applied:

  • If the customer purchased through the "PicThrive POS" (Eg. Online Store, on Tablet) then you will not be credited. Instead, you will need to issue a Refund to the guest. See: How do I refund a customer?
  • If the purchase has already been accessed our support team will review the credit request and apply it if applicable.
  • Store links are free to send.
  • Gift Cards that have been used cannot be credited. Instead find the "Purchase" email that was created when the customer redeemed the Gift Card.

How did we do?

A customer didn't receive their email

Email Contents
