
To get your WaiverFile account connected to PicThrive, please follow the steps below. WaiverFile will push to PicThrive any new waivers that have been filled in. You can then use this data to help power Guest Name Search for Email + Phone Auto Complete.


  1. Go and log into your WaiverFile account: https://www.waiverfile.com/
  2. On the left-hand-side, click on "Settings", then click on "API"
  3. Switch the tab to "API Keys"
  4. Click "Create Key" and copy the value. This is your Secret API Key for Waiverfile.
  5. Copy the "Site ID" value as well.
  6. Navigate to PicThrive and go to Stores -> The store you wish.
  7. Scroll down to "For Your Website" and click on "Add Secret"
  8. In the dialog that appears, fill in the following
    1. Label: Waiverfile
    2. Username: The "Site ID" from WaiverFile
    3. Password: The "Secret API Key" from WaiverFile
  9. Contact PicThrive support to ask them to complete the integration.

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