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Automatic Pricing Discounts

When creating a pricing package you can create automatic discounts that get applied. These can be for time, album combinations, or getting photos with videos. These can provide incentives to guests t…

Updated by keith

When creating a pricing package you can create automatic discounts that get applied. These can be for time, album combinations, or getting photos with videos. These can provide incentives to guests to buy now, or pay for higher level packages.

There are 3 main discounts:

  • Photo & Video Combo
  • Time Discount
  • Multi Album Discount

Scroll down to read about each.

Be sure your tablet Kiosk version is at least 12.20.05 (Oct 20, 2021). Automatic discounts are not available on previous versions of the tablet Kiosk. You will need to use the Tablet's built in discount features. See Kiosk Automatic Discounts. Use of these discounts on tablets is not currently supported and may result in lower charges to the customer.

Photo & Video Combo

This discount applies to a single album. If the user selects all the photos and all the videos a discount can be applied. You can only specify a dollar amount off for this discount.

When to use it

If you offer both photos and videos for your tours and you price them differently. This discount will encourage guests to buy both for their trip as they are getting a reduced price. The Online Store will show information inside the "Pricing" section to encourage guests to get all their items.

Important to Know
  • You must select "Separate pricing for choosing Photos or Videos" for this discount to appear
  • You must select either "Package Sizes" or "One price for the full album" for both Photos & Videos
  • The discount is only applied if all photos and all videos are added to reach the top tier of pricing levels.

Time Discount

This discount allows you to make albums cheaper for a specific time period. Eg. The first 24 hours.

When to use it

Use it to encourage guests to buy their albums without a shorter time frame. You can also use it to provide an "instore discount" that applies if they buy it on their phones without a certain time period.

Important to Know
  • The time the discount is available for starts as soon as the album is created. If you create your albums in the morning, be aware of this.
  • Make sure you price the discount so that applies to all levels of your pricing. For example if you charge $20 for 1 photo, make sure your discount is less than $20 or use a percentage. Otherwise guests may get photos for free and you will be invoiced for the sale.
  • The message you write in the "Description" will be displayed on the Online Store in a banner. It will only appear in albums with pricing that has discount turned on.

Multi Album Discount

This discount allows you to join different albums together to provide a discount.

When to use it

If you provide two different activities and want to provide a discount. For example, if you offer Rafting and Ziplining. Use this pricing to provide a combo discount. So that they save when adding both albums together.

If you have a tour that spans multiple days and you want to provide a discount when buying all the albums. This will let the guest save when adding additional albums from different days.

Important to Know
  • The discount matching is applied based upon album names. The check is not case sensitive. Make sure that your staff are naming albums consistently for the pricing to work. See Create a New Album Title Suggestion for assistance with this.
  • A discount will only be applied to the album itself once. Eg. if it matches with several albums the discount is only applied once to the album.
  • If two albums both have "Multi Album Discount" enabled, and match with each other, both will have the discount applied. This could appear like the discount is applied twice.
  • Albums do not need to be on the same date for this discount to apply.
  • The message you write in the "Description" will be displayed on the Online Store in a banner. It will only appear in albums with pricing that has discount turned on.

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