Required Stripe Account Information

Business Information:. Legal business name. Business type (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, etc.). Business address and phone number. Website URL (if applicable). Description…

Updated by Ben

Business Information:

  • Legal business name
  • Business type (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, etc.)
  • Business address and phone number
  • Website URL (if applicable)
  • Description of products or services offered
  • Business SSN/SIN number

Tax Information:

  • Tax identification number (EIN for US-based businesses or equivalent in other countries)
  • VAT number (for businesses in countries where VAT applies)

Business Owner/Representative Information:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Home address and phone number
  • Email address
  • Government-issued identification (e.g., driver's license, passport, or ID card)

Bank Account Information:

  • Bank account number
  • Routing number (for US-based businesses) or international equivalent (e.g., IBAN, SWIFT code)
  • Bank account type (e.g., checking or savings)
  • Bank account holder's name (must match the name on the Stripe account)

Credit Card Processing Information:

  • Estimate of the average transaction amount
  • Estimate of monthly payment volume
  • Currency preferences

Some documentation requirements vary by region, some listed here may not be required.

For Questions or concerns regarding the required information, you can contact stripe support

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