Pending Details for Items Sent Through the Workspace

Entire Albums, Gift Cards (Specify Quantity) and Store Links will all appear in Pending if photos/videos are still uploading. These links will remain here until the upload has finished and the item h…

Updated by keith

Entire Albums, Gift Cards (Specify Quantity) and Store Links will all appear in Pending if photos/videos are still uploading. These links will remain here until the upload has finished and the item has been sent to the guest.

  • Guest contact information can be edited while in the Pending tab
  • Entire Albums, Gift Cards and Store Links can be deleted while in Pending
  • Order details will appear
    • Albums included in the order
    • Details about how the order was created
    • Date the order was created
    • Number of photos/videos in the order (gift card only)

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Pending Details

Pending Item Entry
