Create Another User Account/Login

You can create multiple logins to your PicThrive account. You may want to do this if you want Staff, Marketing, or Accounting to each have their own secure login.

Accounts can also be removed or deleted if need be.

  1. Ensure you are logged in as an 'Admin'.
  2. Navigate to Admin on the left-hand-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to User Logins & Connected 3rd Party Accounts
    1. If you do not see this section, please log out and back in with an account that has Full Admin Rights
  4. Click "Add Login"
  5. Type in an email address that will be used to log into PicThrive.
  6. Type in a password. Retype in that password.
  7. Scroll down to Permissions, and select all the permissions this user needs.
    1. To learn more about permissions see the Permissions Overview
  8. Click SAVE
  9. A success message will appear once the account is created, and the dialog will disappear.
  10. Your new user will now be able to login!

The original login used to create the account cannot have its permissions changed. It will always have "Full Admin Rights". If you need to change which login is the primary account please Contact Us.

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