
You can run a slideshow after photos and videos have been successfully uploaded to PicThrive! Slides are on a per album basis.

To Start a Slideshow

  1. In your workspace, locate the album you'd like to display
  2. Choose the vertical menu option (...) at the upper right of the album
  3. Select "Manage Album" . You can also click the photo icon in the bottom left of the album card!
  4. In the top toolbar, choose the play icon and start the show! You can individually choose which groups of content to play in the slideshow, by selecting them in the menu - then - pressing the start show button! :)
  5. Exit the Slideshow by pressing ESC or by clicking.
Videos that play in the slideshow need to be in a format that your web browser can stream. We process all videos to a compatible format so your browser can play the video. This means that videos require some additional time to process, before being available to play in the Slideshow.

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