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Add a Secret

Your security is of our utmost concern. So if a time arises when you need to send us secure information, like your website credentials, API Key, etc., please do so by adding the details in "Add Secreโ€ฆ

Updated by Diamond

Your security is of our utmost concern. So if a time arises when you need to send us secure information, like your website credentials, API Key, etc., please do so by adding the details in "Add Secret' in the platform.

For your protection never send confidential information over email or SMS.

Where can I add a secret?

  1. Log into PicThrive
  2. Click on Stores on the left-hand side
  3. Click on the Store you want the link for
  4. Look for the "For Your Website" section
    1. Click the "Add Secret" button. That will let you put in your website credentials, or other confidential information
    2. Label, Username and Password must be filled out
      1. If you are adding an API just copy the key into both username and password fields
    3. All credentials are encrypted and automatically deleted after 20 days.

How did we do?

Adding a 'Buy Photos' Button to your website
