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Custom Email Tip: Coupon Codes to Generate Return Business

Coupon Codes are a flexible, useful feature across the PicThrive Workspace. Many operators successfully incorporate them to package photos with other merchandise purchases or to upsell from one photo…

Carrie Mamantov
Updated by Carrie Mamantov

Coupon Codes are a flexible, useful feature across the PicThrive Workspace. Many operators successfully incorporate them to package photos with other merchandise purchases or to upsell from one photo to a full photo package.

Now that you can customize your email send templates, you have another touchpoint to leverage coupon codes and combine them with your brand.

Excited to expand your marketing tactics? Learn how to build custom email templates.

Use coupon messages to generate return business after photo/video purchase:

  • Plan to share your trip photos with a friend? Share this code: RAFTFRIENDS and they can get a XX% discount on their video/photo purchase whenever they visit us in the next 12 months.
  • For the month of AUGUST, guests can share a referral discount for 10% off. Use GETWILD.
  • Some experiences are worth repeating! Book next year's trip now and save 20% with CANTGETENUFF.
And don't skip the graphics! A photo image or a button is a great way to finish this one off.

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Custom Email Tip: Connect Guests with Your Brand

Merge Tags: Definitions and Use Cases
