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Send a link to the Online Store

Click Send on the album you want the customer to choose photos from. Select Link to buy online from the "What to send:" section. In the "Who to send to:" section, Enter the email of the customer you…

Updated by keith
  1. Click Send on the album you want the customer to choose photos from.
  2. Select Link to buy online from the "What to send:" section.
  3. In the "Who to send to:" section, Enter the email of the customer you want to send to in the email input.
    Optionally, enter a phone number to SMS (text) a copy of the order to.
  4. In the "Sending Store Link" section, you can provide a coupon to your customer if you wish. This will automatically apply itself for the customer to use. Leave it as No Coupon if you do not wish to apply a coupon.
  5. If you wish to only send the email after content has finished uploading, ensure the toggle is set to "Delay sending the email until uploading has finished.". Otherwise toggle it to "Send the email now" to immediately send the guest their link.
  6. However over the Send button on the bottom right to confirm what you are sending.
  7. Click Send. This will automatically send the customer a link to Online Store where they can pay for and purchase photos/video.
  8. You can track the status of this email by going to the History Page.

Video Tutorial

Integrations can let you automatically send Store Link emails to guests. Check out Automated Emails

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