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Send a full album

You have received payment for a full Album. To send a watermark-free Album with all its contents follow these instructions. Click Send on the album your customer purchased. Select Entire album from t…

Updated by keith

You have received payment for a full Album. To send a watermark-free Album with all its contents follow these instructions.

  1. Click Send on the album your customer purchased.
  2. Select Entire album from the "What to send:" section.
  3. Enter the email of the customer in the email input.
    1. ProTip: Power up with Integrations to speed up sending. See Guest Name Search for Email + Phone Auto Complete
    2. Optionally, enter a phone number to SMS (text) a copy of the order to.
  4. Add any additional customers. Note, each customer will be sent an unique purchase and you will be charged as a separate purchase for each customer.
  5. Decide if you want the customer's purchase to sync with any changes made to the album after it is sent.
    1. Leave the toggle grey as Purchased media will be locked from album changes if you want to protect their purchase. This means the guest will receive a copy of the album. If staff later come back and accidently delete content from the album, the customer's purchase will not be affected.
    2. Toggle the option to Purchased media will update if the album changes if you want their purchase to mirror the album. This means if you later modify the album (Eg add a video) the customer's gallery will automatically update with that video in it. This option can be turned on by default by visiting the Send Settings.
  6. Hover over the "Send" button on the bottom right. It will confirm the amounts you are about to send.
  7. Click Send. This will automatically send your customer a link to their fully purchased album with all its contents.
  8. You can track the status of this email by going to the History Page. You can also track this email status by click on the small number just to the left of the Send button on the Album.

Video Tutorial

The Album is still uploading

When the album is still uploading, it is safe to select Entire Album from the Send Dialog. When you select this you will be prompted with the following dialog:

Your computer will hold onto the order until all files have finished uploading. It will then automatically send out the album to your customers as soon as it has detected that all files have finished uploading.

Pending Entire Album Purchase

Any pending Entire Album orders will also appear in the Pending Tab. They will look like this:

Here you can quickly see which orders are still waiting, and easily find their associated albums. Clicking on the <material-icon>mode_edit</material-icon> icon on the right-hand side will open a dialog giving you details about the order, and allowing you to [find the associated album](/kb/articles/finding-the-album-of-a-pending-order).

Sending Now

Send Now Dialog

Sending Now

If you wish to have the order go out immediately, even if photos have not finished uploading you can.

  • On the Album Card click the number next to Send button
  • This will open a dialog showing the pending orders and their emails.
  • Click the Send Now button next to the order you wish to immediately send.
Any additional photos/videos added to the album, or any photos/videos not uploaded yet, will not be sent to the guest.

How did we do?

Send a certain quantity of photos/videos

Send a link to the Online Store
