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Send a certain quantity of photos/videos

You have received payment for a certain quantity of photos/video (e.g. 1 photo). To send the item for the guest to get online, follow these instructions. Click Send on the album from which the photos…

Updated by keith

You have received payment for a certain quantity of photos/video (e.g. 1 photo). To send the item for the guest to get online, follow these instructions.

  1. Click Send on the album from which the photos/video were sold.
  2. Select Specify quantity (Gift Card) from the "What to send:" section.
  3. In the "Who to send to:" section, Enter the email of the customer you sold photos/videos to in the email input. Optionally, enter a phone number to SMS (text) a copy of the order to.
  4. In the "Send Gift Card" section, click on the media types you wish to send, the box will highlight green.
  5. Enter the # of photos or videos you wish to send in the whitebox for each media type. Leave it as blank to send All of the selected media type.
  6. If you are unsure which album their photos are from leave "Can be redeemed in any album" as is. If you know that this is the exact album, and you don't want your customer to be able to use their Gift Card to get photos from other albums, toggle "Can be redeemed in any album" so it says "Can only be redeemed in one album". Note: When All is selected in step 5, this will lock to "Can only be redeemed in one album".
  7. If you wish to only send the email after content has finished uploading, ensure the second toggle is set to "Delay sending the email until uploading has finished.". Otherwise toggle it to "Send the email now" to immediately send the guest their Gift Card.
  8. Hover over the "Send" button on the bottom right. It will confirm the amounts oyu are about to send.
  9. Click Send. This will automatically email your customer a Gift Card and a link to your Online Store. Your customer can then choose which photos they want and checkout online without inputting their credit card info.
  10. You can track the status of this email by going to the History Page."

##Video Tutorial

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Send Album Overview

Send a full album
