Marketing Prompt

Marketing prompts can be used for a variety of call-to-action queues. You can even market to future visitors! The prompt can take on many forms, and help push many reaction driven goals. With PicThri…

Updated by keith

Marketing prompts can be used for a variety of call-to-action queues. You can even market to future visitors! The prompt can take on many forms, and help push many reaction driven goals. With PicThrive's powerful Marketing Prompts, you can create any call-to-action you like!

Marketing Prompt Setup

  • Prompt Title: Add a title to your prompt! This can be a call to action, a greeting, or your favorite tagline.
  • Prompt Message: The main message! Short, direct statements work best at providing quick call to actions
  • When to Prompt: This option references how long before the prompt displays to the guest. The average is between 10-15 seconds!
  • How Often: How often do you want the prompt to appear? This is up to you! We recommend once per session, making the prompt appear once each time the gallery is viewed.
  • What Color should the prompt be: Choose a color! You can brand the prompt to your brand colors, or a color that pops on the background you've chosen

Call to Action Options

  • Trip Advisor: Want to grow your TA reviews? Add a call to action that directs to your Trip Advisor page, inviting them to review your tour!
  • Google: Want to boost your Google reviews? Add the Google option to share your Google listing and invite guests to review you!
  • Yelp: Want to increase Yelp reviews and visits? Add the Yelp call to action to link your guests to your Yelp listing.
  • Facebook: Want to connect with your guests? Invite them to follow you on Facebook!
  • Twitter: Want your guests to know the latest? Share your twitter feed with them!
  • Instagram: Want to wow your guests and new faces? Attach the Instagram call to action to grow your audience!
  • Share: This will add a new button for each share option selected! Your guests can share their gallery with these button options, but we recommend a max of 4-5 calls to action.
  • Other: This is a custom call to action button! You can link any page, and even choose the button color. This is great to link your Website or booking page to!

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