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Marketing Overview

PicThrive provides a power set of Marketing tools to help your business grow. Our tools let you capture engaged guests and make them advocates. Check a few of our popular resources below: Guest Galle…

Marketing Prompt

Marketing prompts can be used for a variety of call-to-action queues. You can even market to future visitors! The prompt can take on many forms, and help push many reaction driven goals. With PicThri…

Sales and Marketing Analytics

PicThrive offers reporting insights into how your guests are purchasing, what they are purchasing, and how they interact with your marketing. View Analytics. Click Admin on the Left. Click Sales & Ma…

Branding & Marketing: Snap + Grow Webinar

January 2024 Snap + Grow Webinar. This quarter we are all about highlighting ways you can extend your brand and expand your reach. Find more articles about marketing tips here. Product Updates. Folde…

How to Use New Features, Snap + Grow Customer Webinar

Quarterly Customer Update - September 2023 In this webinar:. You'll find a recap of 2023 product updates Get more organized with FTP connect folders, sub-folder drop and monitoring folders - all new…

Merge Tags: Definitions and Use Cases

Merge Tags: Definitions and Use Cases. Here's a quick reference guide for when you're trying to plan your custom email templates for the different types of Workspace emails. For ideas on how to use t…

How can I download a few selected pictures from an album for in-house (marketing) use?

On the workspace, you can go to the date to find the correct album.. Once you have found the album, click on the photo icon with a number on the bottom left hand corner of album.. This will take you…

Custom Email Tip: Coupon Codes to Generate Return Business

Coupon Codes are a flexible, useful feature across the PicThrive Workspace. Many operators successfully incorporate them to package photos with other merchandise purchases or to upsell from one photo…

Snap + Grow - March 2025

March 2025 Customer Snap + Grow Webinar. March 25 join us for another live product update. Building Contingency Plans. It's been a rough several years for the outdoor adventure industry as a whole. W…

Jan 2023 Newsletter: Are you getting everything you can from PicThrive reports?

We're trying something new with our customer communications. Here's a new quarterly newsletter to help your team get the most from your PicThrive relationship. . In this issue: . 3 ways to do more wi…

November 2023 Newsletter - Learn something new this month

It's been a season of learning for us, as we've tried a few new things in how we communicate with you. So, in the spirit of always learning and growing, we've packed this issue with several ways you…

Custom Email Templates

Email Templates are custom emails you can configure to send to guests! Managing Email Templates. Note: You must have permissions to Manage Stores in order to create and manage Email Templates.. To vi…

Custom Email Tip: Abandon Cart AKA Discard Pending

Custom Email Tip: Abandon Cart AKA Discard Pending. You may have seen the Discard Pending Purchase section of the Custom Email Templates , but not been sure how to best use this feature. Think of it…

Custom Email Tip: Connect Guests with Your Brand

Custom Email Tip: Connect Guests with Your Brand. Operators looking to connect with Guests, can use Album Send Emails and add branding details with Custom Email Templates. Do your workspace emails su…

Watch Product Demos and Feature Highlights: Snap + Grow Webinar

April 2024 Customer Snap + Grow Webinar. We launched our first webinar for operators Nov 2023, and we are so excited to see more customers finding time to join us. Here's a summary that takes you to…
